Obtaining patient consent and discussing Abridge with your patient is an important part in the process. Make sure you follow your organization’s recommended guidelines for patient consent.
Here is a sample talk track you can use, when introducing Abridge:
“I will be using a tool that records our conversation to help me write my clinical note, so I can pay more attention to our conversation and less time on the computer. Is that okay with you?”
Select your patient in the “Worklist” view. If your patient does not appear on your worklist, tap the “+” button and label the recording using the patient’s first and last name or initials.
Tap the red record button to start recording. Note: You can also pause and resume recordings when needed. To learn more about these features, check out this article.
When finished recording, tap “Create Note” and navigate to notes.abridge.com on your laptop/desktop to view/edit your Abridge-generated note.
Interested in learning more? Take a look at our Recording Best Practicesto ensure you generate the highest quality clinical note.